PaddlingLight is Bad at Promoting Black Friday Because It’s Already Saturday •

If I thought more like an affiliate marketer instead of a I-wish-it-was-still-the-glory-days-of-blogging blogger, I’d be on the ball about promoting all the sales going on across the internets. Instead, I’m dreaming about how I can finish my Winchell documentary (is there anyone out there that wants to help for free?). Or if I was feeling motivated today, I’d spend less time dreaming about how I need to get my dry suit’s neck gasket fixed so I can go winter kayaking, and I’d just get that done.

Anyway, here’s my attempt at promoting sales across the internet.

First, go check out the long-time advertisers of this website.

Sanborn Canoe Co. always has cool stuff for sale. The perfect gift for a paddler is one of their painted canoe paddles. I have one and it’s awesome.

Dancing with the Sea (used to be Comfort Paddling) offers online courses for kayaking. I highly recommend these. Paulo has a unique way of looking at paddling and your relationship with the sea, and his style of teaching is comforting. He does a great job of making skills that seems complicated simple. His approach is unique and if you apply it to your paddling style, you will become a better paddler — even if you have instructor certifications.

Watershed makes the best duffels for carrying your electronics, such as camera gear. They have padded camera cases as well. I combine an Ocoee with a small shallow F-stop ICU for a light one-camera case. If I need to bring more gear, I use their Chattanooga camera pack.

For Black Friday weekend, if you use the code JOYFUL30, you’ll get 30% off my Canoe Country Calendar.

If you’re looking to score a deal on paddling related equipment, then Outdoor Play has some sweet deals of up to 60% off this weekend. If you recently read my post about knives, then you may want to know that Outdoor Play has the NRS Pilot on sale.

I could go on because there are so many good deals this year, but I’m going to post a photo instead.

canoe on shore pointing towards sunrise under blue clouds reflecting in the blue water

Seriously though, buy my calendar. Here’s a video I made about both of the calendars I made for 2023

