West Side Boat Shop kayaks now accepting orders for early 2023 delivery – Dave The Kayaker

Order your hand-built West Side Boat Shop kayak today!

It has been an interesting first year owning the West Side Boat Shop business.

I want to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has reached out to congratulate and thank me for saving the business. The stories and experiences we have with these boats are clearly personal and unique to each and every one of us who own one of these amazing kayaks.

I’ve fielded so many questions over this past year and have talked specifications, performance, repairs, spare parts, fluid dynamics, racing technique, potential modifications, nutrition, training, and many other (sooo many other) random aspects of this sport with you. It has been amazing!

I can say at this time I no longer have any remaining original parts for these boats, just a few original boat bags left.

While I appreciate many of you asking me about the details and differences between the various models, it doesn’t really help save this business if you decide which boat you want and then decide to try to find a used one. I get it, money is important to all of us, but it doesn’t directly help save this business. Yes, I am always happy to help and am always willing to answer questions about these boats, but please be a little respectful of my time if you have no intention whatsoever on buying a new boat.

Trust me, nobody is getting rich in this business. The cost of materials has skyrocketed in recent years and these boats use a proprietary combination of layers and ribs that make them much stiffer and more efficient than most other options on the market. These boats are strong and sturdy and that simply takes more material to achieve than the flimsy, cheaply built stuff coming from China. The profit margin in these boats is one of the thinnest in the industry because this endeavor is a labor of love.

I also understand those of you who are truly interested in purchasing a new boat but haven’t quite been able to pull the trigger yet. I’m here for you when you are ready.

2023, in a very real sense, is going to be a make-or-break year for this business.

Place your order today if you ever wanted one of these amazing West Side Boat Shop kayaks.

And a huge THANK YOU to my wonderful customers who ordered new boats this year! You guys and gals are amazing and your enthusiasm and passion is what keeps me going.

Lastly, I want to thank Doug Bushnell for his continuing support of this business. I talk to Doug at least every 6 weeks and every time we talk I find new inspiration to keep going.

Let’s keep the amazing tradition of west Side Boat Shop kayaks alive and healthy for years to come.

