I thought it was Spring, but it was not – Dave The Kayaker | West Side Boat Shop kayaks

Today was such an alluring day to hit the water because the sun was shining and we hit 52 degrees F. The perfect early-season water day, right?

Well, the cold snap of the past two weeks was a distant memory when I loaded my kayak and headed for my local training grounds. I was a little surprised when I saw ice at the boat ramp, but it looked like enough open water that if I could get up the reservoir a little bit where the sun was shining I’d find clear, open water.

I was wrong.

I’m itching to start my Spring training on actual, real water.

Published by Dave The Kayaker

Kayak racer and fitness enthusiast in Charlottesville, VA. Flat water & downriver. I have a weird fondness for old-school boats.
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